50 minutes In this class, we build a strong foundation by teaching the basic skills of gymnastics! We use station based teaching to build a fun, safe environment for gymnasts to build confidence, strength, and coordination.
8+ years
80 minutes Time to try the bigger equipment! This is for beginner gymnasts who are aged 8 and up. They will start their gymnastics careers on full sized equipment. This station based class focuses on basic body shaping, strength, and confidence building for a future in gymnastics or other sports. We use proper progressions to begin the athlete’s training and have them ready to try their hand at gymnastics.
8+ years
80 minutes Ready to advance to the next level? Our White class is the intermediate level. We begin focusing on more advanced skills, including pullovers, back bends, dismounts, and more. Students must complete a full evaluation by a coach to be promoted to this intermediate class.
8+ years
110 minutes This is the most advanced recreational level for those ready to advance from White. We begin working on more advanced skills of gymnastics, building a solid foundation for competition or simply higher level skills. Students must complete a full evaluation to be promoted to this advanced class.